What to expect on

Cancellation Policy

We ask that you let us know 24 hours in advance if you need to make any changes to your appointments.

Our Policy

24 hour cancellation policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call, or email us with a minimum of 24 hours notice.

If you are unable to reach us directly, leaving a voicemail or email 24 hours prior is acceptable.

If you cancel or reschedule your appointment without 24 hours notice or miss your appointment completely, you will incur a fee up to the full cost of your appointment.

Wait times in healthcare can cause significant and detrimental impacts to fellow patient health outcomes.

We exercise a strict No Show/Cancellation Policy for all our patients in order to decrease waiting times and as a courtesy to your fellow patients.

Long wait times bring significant and detrimental impacts to the  healthcare system and health outcomes, including:

• Cancelled or delayed procedures and appointments
• Progression of disease
• Loss of income
• Worsening health outcomes
• Economic impacts
• Mental health impacts

We urge all of our patients to please read and respect our policy as this helps us operate our clinic efficiently and respects the time of our practitioners and patrons.

Late Arrivals

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, the session is considered a No Show/Late Cancellation. The session will be forfeited and you will be required to pay the full amount for that session.

Clinicians often have tightly scheduled appointments. Late arrivals disrupt the flow of these appointments, potentially delaying or inconveniencing patients who arrive on time. A strict late arrival policy helps ensure that clinicians can manage their time effectively and provide the best possible care to all their patients.

This is especially important in busy clinics where appointment slots are in high demand. It ensures that one person's tardiness does not adversely affect another's scheduled care.

Arriving on time allows for the full duration of the appointment to be used for patient care. Late arrivals may shorten the available time for assessment and treatment, potentially compromising the quality of care.

Alternatives to Avoid the Fee

Reschedule your appointment to a different time that day with the same or different therapist

Keep your appointment but come in a little late for their session (no more than 15 minutes unless absolutely necessary)

Calling to be put on a waitlist instead of keeping the appointment when you get a reminder email/text message

For possible snow days: call or email in advance to avoid a session fee