
Online Booking

Easy online booking for Physio, Chiro, and Massage. Learn how to book online in just 2 minutes. Here is our step-by-step guide on how to book online.

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Welcome to our Online Booking Guide.

Follow our Step-by-step guide to booking an appointment for any service with any practitioner.

Go to: to begin.

1. Choose your preferred practitioner or service type.
If you know who your preferred practitioner is, select them from the list

2. If you know who your preferred practitioner is, select them from the list

3. You can also filter by what kind of practitioner you are looking for here (i.e.Physiotherapist):

4. Select whichever service you are looking for from the list on the left hand column.

5. Then select an appointment time which suits you best.

6. If you have not already done so – you will be prompted to either login or sign upon our patient portal.

7. After signing up or logging in successfully you will be required to confirm your appointment.

8. Your appointment is now confirmed!

You may either:
i. Fill and sign the digital Informed Consent and My Medical History forms in the
patient portal
ii. Print the following completed forms to your initial appointment.
You can download the forms
Download Intake Forms
Download Consent Forms
iii. If you are unable to do either i. or ii.,
please come 10 minutes early for your appointment and our front desk will assist you.

9. If you are a new patient, you will be prompted to fill in the "Intake Forms - Informed Consent to Assessment/Treatment". Once clicked, a pop-up should appear. This form will be reviewed with your practitioner upon your initial assessment where you may choose to sign the waiver.

10. To complete "My Medical History", click on the tab and fill in all relevant sections. If you are unsure of anything, leave it blank - and discuss with your healthcare provider. They will go over the details with you.

11. If you need to make any changes you can Cancel or Reschedule your appointment directly from the Patient Portal.

Please note that we do have a cancellation policy - if you cannot make your appointment, or need to reschedule please let us know 24 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee.

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