
IMS Dry Needling and Clinical Acupuncture

Reduces muscular tension, improves circulation, and restores neuromuscular function. Acupuncture has an effect on both your physical and mental wellness.

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IMS Dry Needling and Clinical Acupuncture

Reduces muscular tension, improves circulation, and restores neuromuscular function. Acupuncture has an effect on both your physical and mental wellness.

The Science Behind Dry Needling: A Path to Pain Relief, Healing, and Safety

In the realm of modern physiotherapy, innovative techniques continue to emerge, offering new avenues for pain relief, improved well-being, and enhanced recovery. Among these techniques, dry needling therapy has garnered significant attention for its remarkable effectiveness. Rooted in scientific principles and bolstered by an expanding body of empirical evidence, dry needling has emerged as a powerful tool for addressing various musculoskeletal conditions and promoting the body's inherent healing processes. This essay undertakes an exploration into the scientific foundations of dry needling, shedding light on its myriad benefits, common medical applications, and the empirical research that substantiates its credibility.

Understanding Dry Needling: The Basics and Beyond

Dry needling entails the strategic insertion of fine needles into specific trigger points within muscles, tendons, or connective tissues. Unlike acupuncture, dry needling hinges on anatomical and physiological tenets, zeroing in on tight or knotted muscle fibers to alleviate pain, optimize muscle function, and accelerate healing. The central tenet of this technique is to untangle muscle tension, enhance blood circulation, and provoke the body's natural mechanisms of recovery.

A Plethora of Benefits: Unveiling Dry Needling's Potential

Dry needling therapy is heralded for a myriad of advantages, contributing to its popularity both among physiotherapists and patients:

  1. Pain Relief: By targeting trigger points, dry needling prompts the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving compounds.
  2. Muscle Relaxation: Needle insertion triggers localized muscle contractions, leading to relaxation and diminished tension.
  3. Improved Blood Flow: The process boosts blood circulation, facilitating the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
  4. Enhanced Range of Motion: Targeting muscular knots and tension improves flexibility and mobility.
  5. Complementary Therapy: Dry needling synergizes effectively with other physiotherapy techniques, augmenting overall treatment outcomes.
  6. Holistic Approach: As a drug-free modality, dry needling provides a holistic solution for pain management.

Scientific Substantiation: Anchoring Dry Needling in Evidence

In the realm of medical interventions, scientific validation is paramount, and dry needling is no exception. The technique's mechanisms and outcomes have been meticulously scrutinized by researchers, propelling its recognition as a viable therapeutic option. A plethora of studies underscore its efficacy:

  • A study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy in 2017 delved into dry needling's impact on upper trapezius myofascial pain. Results revealed substantial enhancements in pain reduction and muscle function following dry needling sessions 1.
  • Another study, featured in the Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy in 2020, shed light on the alleviation of chronic neck pain through dry needling interventions. Notably, the study reported a reduction in pain intensity and sensitivity at trigger points 2.

Treating Medical Conditions with Dry Needling

Dry needling finds application in addressing an array of medical conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Tension Headaches
  • Sports Injuries
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome

A Promising Path Forward

Dry needling therapy stands as a testament to physiotherapy's evolution, enmeshing scientific tenets to offer effective pain relief and accelerate the healing process. Bolstered by a growing body of evidence, including studies from reputable journals, dry needling epitomizes a non-invasive, drug-free approach to tackling musculoskeletal issues. As scientific inquiry delves deeper into the intricacies of its mechanisms, dry needling paves a promising trajectory towards a future where pain management and recovery rest upon the bedrock of evidence-based practices.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is used as a treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal, neurological, visceral, systemic, and psychosomatic conditions.

It originates from within the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), involving the stimulation of meridian points on the body using thin metallic needles, which modulate the body's flow of energy or "Qi".  Qi is responsible for the body's overall health.

What makes acupuncture so mysterious is that even though it has been used to treat disease for thousands of years, its physical mechanisms have not yet been understood.  Practitioners of TCM in the early 1900s recognized this issue, and a conscious effort was made to not focus on the physical mechanisms, but to instead focus on its application towards the treatment of disease. Although this may seem like a dilemma, past technology may not have been able to explain the effects of acupuncture, while advances in modern technology have brought us closer to understanding how acupuncture works. Explanations involving stimulation of the central nervous system have been proposed, and recent studies have attempted to show meridian pathways on the human body using fluorescent dyes.

Addressing concerns you may have prior to acupuncture treatment

We can treat the following conditions with acupuncture:

-Nausea caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy

-Dental pain after surgery



-Menstrual cramps

-Tennis elbow


-Myofascial pain


-Low back pain

-Carpal tunnel syndrome


-Improving fertility

-Pre/Post-natal care

-Recovery from injury/surgery

-Improving immune health

-Stroke rehabilitation

Does it hurt? 

Because the acupuncture needles that we use are much thinner than a hypodermic needle, there is normally minimal pain.  Patients mostly report a numb or tingling sensation at the site of needle insertion.  Often the anticipation of pain will cause more discomfort than the actual needles, so it is important to relax.

Can I shower or eat after the treatment? 

Yes. In most cases there are no contraindications after the treatment, and in exceptional cases we would inform patients on an individual basis.

What type of responses will my body feel after acupuncture? 

Some of the more common responses that patients feel after acupuncture treatment include:

Often a feeling of relaxed tension or pain relief in the problem area.  For example, when treating migraines, it is normal to feel relaxation and relief in the head area shortly after needles are inserted.
Slightly looser stools a day or two after the treatment, especially when clearing heat from the body.
Dizziness or sweating for a short time, often during the treatment, followed by pain relief.  This often occurs when treating bodily pain issues.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we are fully licensed in the province of Ontario.  Depending on your insurance plan, we will directly bill your insurance company, or provide you with an invoice to submit to insurance for reimbursement.

Click here to book now, or call (905) 669-1221 to find out how acupuncture and/or dry needling can assist you.


  1. Kietrys, D. M., Palombaro, K. M., Azzaretto, E., & Hubler, R. (2017). Effectiveness of dry needling for upper-quarter myofascial pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 47(3), 133-149.
  2. Moro, L., Cafforio, G., Fronte, F., Germanotta, M., Felicia, B., & Donato, G. (2020). Effectiveness of dry needling versus a classical physiotherapy program in patients with chronic low-back pain: a single-blind, randomized, pretest-posttest controlled study. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 1-8.

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