Workplace Injuries (WSIB)

If you are injured at work it is important to seek support and treatment. We deal with work injuries so that you'll just need to focus on recovery and we will handle the paperwork.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Programs of Care

Welcome to Vaughan Physiotherapy Clinic's webpage on Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Services. Our clinic is dedicated to providing high-quality physiotherapy services to individuals who have been injured at work and require assistance in their recovery.

WSIB Physiotherapy Services are designed to provide early care to individuals who have been injured at work. These services are an important part of the workers' compensation system in Ontario, Canada, and are provided by regulated healthcare professionals under the guidance of the WSIB.

The WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) offers several programs of care to injured workers, including the Musculoskeletal Program of Care (MSKPOC) and the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Program of Care (mTBIPOC). In this article, we will focus on explaining the Musculoskeletal Program of Care and providing a quick reference guide for it.

What is WSIB Ontario?

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is an independent agency of the Ontario government that provides no-fault workplace insurance to Ontario's employers and workers. Its mission is to promote workplace health and safety, facilitate return to work and provide insurance coverage to eligible workers who are injured on the job or become ill as a result of their work.

How does WSIB work?

When a worker is injured or becomes ill as a result of their work, they can file a claim with the WSIB to receive compensation and support. WSIB benefits may include wage replacement, healthcare, and vocational rehabilitation services to help workers recover and return to work. Employers in Ontario are required by law to have WSIB coverage for their employees, and are responsible for reporting workplace injuries or illnesses to the WSIB.

How does WSIB work in Ontario?

WSIB operates in Ontario as a no-fault insurance system, which means that workers who are injured on the job or become ill as a result of their work are entitled to benefits regardless of who was at fault for the injury or illness. WSIB coverage is mandatory for most employers in Ontario and provides compensation and support to workers who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. The WSIB also plays a role in promoting workplace health and safety, facilitating return to work, and providing insurance coverage to eligible workers.

How do I make a WSIB Claim?

Claims are an essential part of the workers' compensation system in Ontario. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) offers benefits to workers who have been injured or become ill due to their work. The claims process involves reporting the injury or illness, submitting necessary documentation, and following up with the WSIB. The goal of the claims process is to provide support and benefits to injured workers while also promoting their safe and timely return to work. The WSIB aims to make the claims process as easy and straightforward as possible, ensuring that workers receive the help they need when they need it most.

What should you do after being injured at work?

We are happy to offer quality and affordable healthcare for our community. Our specialists will start with an initial assessment to identify any issues you may be facing. Then, we will work with you to resolve them through regular follow-up sessions.

1. Report the Injury or Illness to WSIB

Submit a report of the injury or illness to WSIB within 8 weeks from date of workplace injury either online or via mail

Complete Form 6 - Worker's Report of Injury/Disease

2. Report the Accident to your Employer

Ask your employer to make a claim to WSIB and submit it online or by mail

Complete Form 7 - Employer’s Report of Injury/Illness

3. Healthcare Provider's Form

A healthcare provider, such as a physiotherapist or doctor, is required to submit specific forms to the WSIB.

We can assist you here!

Complete Form 8 - Health Professional's Report and Functional Abilities Form

Additional commonly required forms can be found here. Prior to contacting Vaughan Physiotherapy Clinic, please have the following information ready: 
- a Valid 8-digit Claim number (i.e: 33338888)
- Date of Injury/“Date of Loss”: (i.e. July 18, 2022)
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Home Address
- Area(s) Injured

Musculoskeletal Program of Care

‍ The program consists of two four-week blocks of care, with a total duration of up to eight weeks. The first block includes an initial assessment and four weeks of treatment, while the second block provides an additional four weeks of treatment. A supplementary treatment block is also available for those with WSIB approval who require additional treatment beyond the eight-week program to ensure a safe and sustainable return to work.

The MSKPOC is designed to reduce symptoms caused by musculoskeletal injuries and to facilitate a safe and timely return to work for injured workers. The treatment plans provided under this program are tailored to individual needs and based on the best available evidence. The program is delivered by regulated healthcare professionals under their respective Colleges' regulations, standards of practice, policies, and guidelines. The healthcare professionals delivering the program may include physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and kinesiologists.

In summary, the MSKPOC program provides early care to individuals with musculoskeletal injuries and is an important part of the WSIB's overall approach to injury prevention and management. The program structure is designed to provide evidence-based care that is tailored to individual needs, with a focus on reducing symptoms and facilitating a safe and timely return to work.

Admission Criteria

The musculoskeletal program of care (MSKPOC) is for people who:

- have a pending or allowed WSIB claim for a single zone of injury, or
- have an allowed WSIB claim for multiple zones of injury
- are within eight weeks from their date of workplace injury
- have an injury to: a muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia, intra-articular structure or any combination of these structures, causing mild to moderate damage (Grade I or Grade II) and/or a bone, resulting in fracture(s) that did not require surgical intervention
- are at work or off work
- have no additional injuries that prevent participation in this program
- are not hospitalized

The Musculoskeletal Program of Care is a community-based healthcare program that is designed to provide early care to people with musculoskeletal injuries, including low back pain, shoulder pain, and non-surgical fractures. This program is the mandatory first line of care for all musculoskeletal injuries under WSIB Ontario. The aim of this program is to provide timely, evidence-based care to injured workers, with the goal of reducing pain and disability, and facilitating a safe and timely return to work.

mTBI Program of Care

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) is a type of brain injury that occurs when an individual experiences a bump, jolt, or blow to the head or a penetrating head injury. It is also known as a concussion. While an mTBI can be mild, it can still have serious consequences for the individual's cognitive, emotional, and physical health. Early identification and management of mTBI are crucial for a successful recovery. Regulated healthcare professionals play a crucial role in the assessment and treatment of individuals with mTBI.

Assessment of mTBIHealthcare providers use a combination of clinical history, physical examination, and neuroimaging to diagnose mTBI. A thorough history of the injury is taken, including details of the injury mechanism, loss of consciousness, amnesia, and other symptoms. Physical examination focuses on neurological and cognitive function, including balance, coordination, vision, and hearing. Neuroimaging, such as a CT scan or MRI, may be used to rule out more serious brain injuries.

Treatment of mTBITreatment of mTBI is tailored to the individual's needs and symptoms. Rest is recommended immediately after injury, followed by gradual return to normal activities as tolerated. Healthcare providers may also recommend cognitive and physical therapy, such as vestibular therapy, to address symptoms such as dizziness, balance problems, and headaches. Psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, may also be helpful for individuals with persistent symptoms.

Role of Regulated Health ProfessionalsRegulated health professionals, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, and psychologists, play a crucial role in the assessment and treatment of individuals with mTBI. They work with the individual to develop a treatment plan based on their specific needs and symptoms. Regulated health professionals also monitor progress and adjust treatment as needed to ensure the individual makes a full recovery. Workers who sustain an mTBI need treatment from regulated health professionals to ensure a safe and timely return to work.

Admission Criteria

The mTBI POC is for injured people who:

- have an allowed WSIB claim
- have been diagnosed with mTBI by physician or nurse practitioner
-have negative findings on all neuroimaging studies, if completed
- are 18 years of age or older
- are within three months of their date of injury

The mTBI POC is not recommended for injured people:

- with moderate or severe brain injuries
- with identified risk factors
- with a pre-existing diagnosed psychiatric disorder / psychopathology such that treatment would interfere with this condition
- with reported and observed psychological symptoms that would likely interfere with engagement in the mTBI POC
- with physical impairments or concurrent injuries or conditions that would prevent the worker from being assessed and participating in the mTBI POC
- who are under the age of 18

The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Program of Care (mTBI POC) is a community-based healthcare program for early care of people with non-complex mTBI. The program aims to help injured individuals recover and return to or stay at work. It is based on updated evidence-informed guidelines and consists of an eight-week program with recommended evidence-based interventions, outcome measures, and reporting requirements. The program is designed for those with an allowed WSIB claim, a diagnosis of mTBI by a physician or nurse practitioner, negative findings on all neuroimaging studies, and within three months of their injury date. Regulated health professionals who have the scope of practice, knowledge, and skill can deliver the mTBI POC.

In summary, WSIB Physiotherapy Services, including the Musculoskeletal Program of Care and the mTBI Program of Care, are an important part of the workers' compensation system in Ontario. These services are designed to provide early care to injured workers and facilitate a safe and timely return to work. At Vaughan Physiotherapy Clinic, we are committed to providing high-quality physiotherapy services to injured workers, using evidence-based treatments and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes.

WSIB Day of Mourning

The WSIB Day of Mourning is an annual event held on April 28th to commemorate workers who have been killed, injured, or suffered illnesses due to workplace hazards or accidents. The Day of Mourning serves as a reminder to employers, workers, and the public of the importance of workplace health and safety, and the need to continue working together to prevent future tragedies. The WSIB provides resources and support for employers and workers to promote a safe and healthy work environment, including training, information, and access to health and safety services. By recognizing the Day of Mourning, we can honor those who have lost their lives or been injured on the job, and renew our commitment to creating safer and healthier workplaces for everyone.

At Vaughan Physiotherapy Clinic, we understand the importance of acknowledging and supporting the WSIB Day of Mourning. We honor the memory of those who have lost their lives or suffered injuries in the workplace. As healthcare professionals, we are committed to providing the highest quality care to WSIB patients, including those who have been injured on the job. We believe that every worker has the right to a safe and healthy work environment, and we are proud to support WSIB's efforts to promote workplace safety and prevent workplace accidents. We stand in solidarity with WSIB on this day of mourning, and every day, as we work together to create a safer and healthier workplace for all.

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